Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Update on armor piece.

I am almost done making the tiles for my armor. it's been a lot of tedious work but i am almost through with all of them.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Guest Artist Piece

Here's a picture of my completed guest artist piece from tuesday. I decided not to use the rope because it was distracting and i ended up just gluing the head on anyway. i kinda want to name this piece "check yourself before you wreck yourself".

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Armor Piece

So far i've made all my tiles but i have a lot of small detail work to do to them such as cutting the corners down and putting four holes in each of them. it's taking a lot of time but it should be well worth it. I'm only going to do a front piece but it will still be wearable because i want to make a leather back to it or something.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Family Piece

I'm working on getting a picture up of my family piece, hopefully tomorrow, but right now it's a small tree stump looking thing with giant leaves coming out of it. so far it looks good and the leaves represent my parents and i.